Meet Pixel

Pixel the Cat

What is your favorite thing to do?  Eat. It should always be time to eat.  If it’s not food time, though, probably taking a nap – especially if I can lay on someone’s lap.

Describe yourself in three words: Dignified, loyal, and handsome.

Do you have a favorite toy? Food? I mean…any sort of fishing pole toy, or laser pointer.

Tell us about your relationship with Luna: I tolerate her. Sometimes she can be fun to play with, but more often than not, she’s just a nuisance.

Who is your favorite person? Mom. She is my favorite person to cuddle, and always talks to me when I’m trying to have a conversation with her. As soon as we met, I knew we were going to be best friends forever. If I could just get her to feed me more often, she’d be perfect.

What is your job in your home? Reminding everyone when it’s time to eat, so no one forgets to feed us. And keeping an eye on Luna, because she is always getting into trouble. I’m left home alone with her quite often, and I have to supervise. That’s a full-time job in itself.

Why should we donate to your organization? When I was a kitten, a rescue group found me when I was all alone and hungry. They gave me food and took care of me until Mom adopted me. Luna and I want to help rescue groups give other cats the same chance for a happy forever home.